SetOutlinePreferred 1.0 is an FKEY for System 7.0 or 6.07 with the Apple TrueType INIT.
SetOutlinePreferred is a very simple FKEY named after the corresponding Font Manager routine that tells the Font Manager to prefer either TrueType or bit mapped fonts for screen display or printing.
“If a TrueType font and a bit mapped font are available (using the same typeface, size, and style) for a font request, the default behavior for the Font Manager is to choose the bit mapped font, in order to maintain compatibility...” Inside Mac, vol. VI, p 12-18.
I created SetOutlinePreferred FKEY so that I could use (and see) all the nifty special characters in the TrueType Chicago typeface. The main problem was that since Chicago 12 is located in ROM and ROM-based resources are generally used before System file based resources I couldn’t get any of the symbols to show. The solution was to write this FKEY that toggles between preferring bit mapped or TrueType fonts. I know I could have done something similar with an ROM over-ride resources (ROv# and ROvr), but this gives me the choice of which fonts I want to use.
SetOutlinePreferred FKEY has no effect with systems before 6.0.7, or when only a bit mapped or only a TrueType font exists.
[requires ResEdit to install; currently FKEY ID=5]
You may copy and distribute SetOutlinePreferred FKEY as much as you like, but remember to smile when you do!